There’s a new version that includes the following updates:
- Improved stem separation model.
- Switched from TensorFlow to OpenVino (at inference) for better performance.
- Added Pitch/Tempo manipulation.
- Changes to GUI.
- Added windows installer to download options.
Check it here AI Audio player for Windows OS

Nice to meet you, good evening.
This is my first time posting a comment.
I downloaded and installed this free appware software.
However, I cannot start the software.
Even when I run “AIAudioPlayer.exe”, the main screen does not appear.
Could you please tell me if there is a solution?
Thank you in advance.
When testing on a “clean” virtual machine, I noticed it needed the Visual C++ runtime. But it didn’t start either, it could be a particular instruction set needed by OpenVino.
You could try the first version, that uses TensorFlow, instead of OpenVino.
Thank you very much.
In my environment, with AIAudioPlayer.0.2, the screen froze during playback. However, when I use AIAudioPlayer.0.1a, I can play music.
Even when I muted the vocals, I could still hear a little bit of the singing.
Thanks for the feedback. Well, it seems OpenVino is the problem (it is used from version 0.1b).
Yes, the model from the first version didn’t provide perfect isolation. The model from next version changed the architecture and improved the separation.
I will try compile the latest version with Tensorflow as an alternative.
If you don’t mind… What CPU are you using ?
Thanks for your reply.
I am using Intel Core i7-7500U 2.70GHz.
This is odd, you are running an Intel CPU. And the OpenVino platform was developed by Intel for intel CPU’s.
Anyway, I’ll try to create a tensorflow version of 0.2 so people that are having problems with the OpenVino implementation can run it.
Thanks for your reply.
I have tried on four PCs with the Intel CPU.
On two of the PCs with HD screens, I was able to play audio files successfully.
However, on the two FHD PCs the screen froze.
Could it be that screen size has something to do with it?
Hi, I have no idea. I mean, if you are using the incorporated graphics unit, maybe for some unknown reason it affects the OpenVino’s code.
kernel.errors.txt was output.
Instruction / Operand / Region Errors:
/——————————————-!!!KERNEL HEADER ERRORS FOUND!!!——————————————-\
Error in CISA routine with name: kernel
Error Message: Input V38 = [256, 260) intersects with V37 = [256, 260)
/——————————————-!!!KERNEL HEADER ERRORS FOUND!!!——————————————-\
Error in CISA routine with name: kernel
Error Message: Explicit input 2 must not follow an implicit input 0